Aging often includes the loss of connections with relatives and old friends. It’s harder in these days of COVID, or with physical limitations to meet new folks. Others simply faded away. And there are sometimes those that were lost due to a disagreement. But if, living alone, you feel the need for closer family ties or connections with others, there is no time like the present to reach out by looking back. You may well light up someone’s day! The first step is to determine which relative or friend you would most want to re-connect with. Make a list starting with an easy call and then graduate to those that could prove more difficult. At your age, and with your wisdom, you can probably negotiate a good will telephone conversation with ease. You may already know that your former friend is an airhead, but you might enjoy a good laugh together. Or you might find out that your prickly cousin has some good advice. And finally, you could, at this point in life, be able to overcome a former disagreement with a family member by finding some common ground—initially staying clear of problematic subjects. If your call doesn’t work out, give yourself a pat on the back anyway!