IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING (The combined advice of medical experts.)

As we get older, you may likely experience changes in your functioning. Hormone production, bone quality, muscles, joints, nervous system and organs all change to some extent. One surprise with these changes is that, often when a problem emerges, we realize that we must do things differently. And, for some, that includes swallowing when enjoying a meal. Food may enter the throat normally, but because of weaker muscles, decreased saliva, or other change, food can get stuck in throat, momentarily or for a longer uncomfortable time. Coughing can occur when food blocks the path of oxygen. THERE IS HOPE Of course, consult with your doctor for a medical diagnosis if your symptoms are severe. And, then, according to the experts, try following these steps when eating or drinking: -Sit up straight, and eat slowly. -Take small bites, and chew food well. -Turn head down, tucking your chin toward your chest, and bend the body forward when swallowing. This tilts the epiglottis (the hinge like flap at the base of your tongue that keeps food from entering your windpipe). This can avoid the need to cough. -Don’t talk or drink liquids while eating food. So, all going well, bon appetite!