Ron Bruno, LSW

Ron Bruno, LSW | Morningside Health & Retirement ServicesSince 1997, Ron Bruno has served as Executive Director at MRHS, which is one of New York’s first NORC’s. Prior to this position, he was Director of Social Work at Amsterdam Nursing Home, and at Saints Joachim & Anne Nursing and Rehabilitation Centerin Brooklyn. He earned his MSW from Hunter College, which is also where he received a New York State Certificate in Social Work Administration. Bruno has presented workshops about NORC programs at the annual meetings of the ASA, theAlzheimer’s Association and the Pioneer Network. In 1994 he published Policy for the People: One Facility’s Introduction to Restraint Reduction, a paper exploring the effect of  OBRA ’87.  He is also treasurer of the WSIACA , an Ed­u­ca­tion­al Co­or­di­na­tor for the HPPAE at the CUSSW, and co-chair of New York’s NORC program directors’ group.