THINKING ABOUT TREES During April, National Earth Month

Trees are sometimes called the lungs of the earth since, through their leaves, they trap and filter contaminants in the air. As we know, they also absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through photosynthesis; and, a good canopy of tree leaves can protect living creatures from heat, but also non-living things: Cities develop “heat islands” because dark roofs and pavement absorb solar heat and radiate it back. Researchers note that trees in parking lots havereduced asphalt temperatures by 36 degrees F. and car interiors by up to 47 degrees. Because of the many benefits of trees to our environment, the City of NY, along with a non-profit organization, NYRP, over the past few years planted a million more trees in our city. This has become a model for cities across the world! Find out more: see a tree map; learn how to request a tree for your block. Where? Online: