Meet Your Neighbors – Richard S.

Richard Scheer, a New York native and alumnus of Arathmus High School, hails from a small Jewish community in Brooklyn. Accepted into Harvard, he became captain of the baseball team before earning his law degree from the University of Michigan.…

Meet Your Neighbors – Ms. Essie

Ms. Essie Wade is a known fixture in her Harlem community and, at 93 years old, she is still very active. She has lived in the Mannie Wilson Towers for 28 years, is a street vendor and sells a variety of things (see photo for a sample of her…

Meet Your Neighbors – Janet and Angela

Janet Crawford and Angelina Haney met in February after Janet requested a LiLY volunteer to go birding with her. Janet has been teaching Angelina how to identify birds by specific markers and sounds, but more than identification, she says birding…

Do Not Become a Victim of Elder Abuse!

By Pat Gatling, Attorney and LiLY board member Did you know that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has a dedicated group of Assistant District Attorneys and Investigators who prosecute individuals who engage in elder abuse. Elder abuse…

Visit Morningside Park

Nestled between Central Park and Riverside Park is the 30 acre gem that is Morningside Park. Long overlooked, it is now a thriving oasis that is particularly beautiful at this time of year. This small park has picnic benches, chess tables, a…

Understanding Your Skin

From Dr. Norma Braun: The skin, our second largest organ, covers our entire body and is part of theIntegumentary System, which includes the skin, nails, hair, glands, and nerves. It serves several critical functions:Protection: Shields us…

Little Coney Island

Did you know that W. 110th Street (Cathedral Parkway) was once dubbed "Little Coney Island" for its number of dance parlors, casinos, and pleasure gardens? These were bars and dance venues that catered to a working class, often immigrant population,…

Does Winter Weather Keep You at Home? Indoor Exercise is the Answer!

Safe exercise is vital at any age for maintaining health, preventing injuries and, along with a healthy diet, lowering the risk of heart disease. So, let’s get going… Start by turning on on your computer or television, for…

Brain Foods – Reducing Anxiety

The Washington Post kicked off 2024 with an article listing the top foods that help reduce anxiety. They interviewed Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital who recommended the following foods: 1. Extra dark…

Avoiding Strokes and Illness

The tri-demic of COVID-19, Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is very much still with us, accounting for more hospitalizations and pneumonia. Viral infections lower host immune responses allowing bacteria to establish infection,…


With warmer days upon us, I am enjoying more outdoor walks. While I know that some people enjoy walking alone, I know that others can feel lonely stepping out by themselves without a specific errand or destination in mind. If that sounds familiar,…


SLEEP POSITIONS, According to Johns Hopkins Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Consider the following as you switch off the light:  Back and neck pain: When it comes to alleviating pain, sleeping on your back is a mixed bag. For people with…

Food For Thought

“Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.”


MARIANNE VAN DEN BERGH Marianne van den Bergh, a painter, installation artist, and puppeteer, currently divides her time between New York and her native Amsterdam. She attended The State Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam in the late 1960’s…


In Feb. of 2023, Betty made headlines when she crushed the previous world record for her age group in running the “Publix Atlanta 5K Race.” And this wasn’t the first time. She may be an inspiration to get on our walking shoes...or, get…


Numerous respected health journalists write about the causes and possible cures for insomnia. These can be relatively simple if caused by some of the issues listed on p.2. But,sleeplessness can also be a sign that we are anxious about something,…

THINKING ABOUT TREES During April, National Earth Month

Trees are sometimes called the lungs of the earth since, through their leaves, they trap and filter contaminants in the air. As we know, they also absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through photosynthesis; and, a good canopy of tree leaves…


I-phones, Androids and other phones with internet access are often called “smart phones”. At a recent session with Charla Sarabia, the Injury Prevention and Community Outreach Coordinator at Mount Sinai Morningside, we learned just how smart…


According to the National Council on Aging, hydration is important, especially as we get improve brain performance, affecting memory, mood, concentration, reaction time, and even in combating feelings of anxiety. Research has shown…

WOMEN’s History Month

March is nationally recognized as Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements of women all over the world. You might be interested in looking at an on-line exhibit published by the National Women’s History Museum on women…


Most likely, within a couple of blocks of your apartment, you can go outside just as the streetlights begin to turn on, stand on a corner and look to the west, the nearer the river, the more sky. There, unless a densely cloudy evening, watch…

THE COMPOSTING STORY from the NYC Dept. of Sanitation

Curbside compost collection is a priority for our city because compostable material, i.e., food wastes, comprises a third of the million pounds of trash that New Yorkers generate each day, Without composting, they release poisonous gasses into…


"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down" is a line from a 1971 song that seems to touch on something universal -- the sad feelings that bad weather can bring, and scientific studies are backing this up. But, for those who can handle an umbrella,…


Chance Developments by Alexander McCall Smith consists of 5 “well-done” short stories. Libraries file it under McCall or Smith. The author fills in the lives of 5 people seen in 5 vintage photographs.


GAURI RATHORE Gauri Rathore is a senior at Ashoka University in India and is currently enriching their academic experience as a visiting student at Columbia University. Her profound interests encompass psychology, art, and a fervent commitment…

Advice for the Fall Season

"Fall is here! Which means changing leaves, Halloween, and most importantly, respiratory viruses are more in circulation. There are over 200 respiratory viruses, and most cause minor upper respiratory tract symptoms. This year, however, Influenza,…


Mario Riservato worked for over two years to bring pickleball to our neighborhood, and now the Riverside Park Conservancy has provided us with five wonderful, under the trees, river-view courts down below 110 St. Pickleball started as ‘senior+’…


This fabulous photo of any early hair dryer is from the Museum of the City of NY. In 1904, Columbia University opened a gym exclusively for women in between Barnard and Teacher’s College. Apparently, the men had been complaining about having…

Staying Healthy in the New Year

With just a week until New Year, the season for respiratory infections is upon us and increasing, especially in New York City. Flu is leading in the #1 spot, with a new strain that is more resistant to Tamiflu. COVID is close behind, also dominate…